As part of our Remote Learning Provision, we provide:
- All live lessons, throughout the whole day from Reception to Year 11, enabling discussion and a chance for pupils to interact and ask questions of the teachers and speak to other remote members of the class and the pupils that are attending face to face as well. This greatly increased retention and increases a much greater understanding of the subject matter, along with social and mental support from both tutors and peers.
- All lessons are provided by our own teachers and have not been replaced by a secondary sourced supplier. This ensures that there is a constant standard of education and communication as all of our tutors know each pupil and can assist with each of their needs. This also helps create a continuity of learning, relations and trust, in what is a challenging time for all pupils.
- Senior School Remote Timetable: this is the full curriculum, running from 9.00am until 5.00pm and includes English, Math and Science for 3 hours everyday to ensure no learning is missed and any catch up is included.
- Junior School Remote Timetable: this is the full curriculum, starting at 9.00am until 3.30pm and includes English, Math and Science for 3 hours everyday to ensure no learning is missed and any catch up is included.
- The timetable includes Math, English, Science, Geography, History, ICT, Art, French, RS, PSHE, Citizenship, Basic Skills, and PE.
- All lessons in our Senior School are delivered live, in line with your timetable, by our subject-specific teachers.
- All lessons in our Junior School are delivered live by our expert Form Tutors who deliver all lessons that have been created by our subject-specific tutors.
- As no learning or education is being missed, all pupils will have full termly reports.
- Again, as no learning is missed there are three exams each term, Base Line, Half Term, and Full Term to track progress. This enables the school to see live data, if a pupil is in need of any one to one support in any subject, to all them to create a bespoke catch up programmes of study as early as possible, if needed.
- Direct feedback and support from all tutors.
Constant feedback and support to all pupils, as they would receive if they attended in person.